Thursday, January 05, 2006


“I am too old to read a book for kids!” had been my prompt & arrogant response to my colleague who had genuinely mocked me for not reading a single Harry Potter book. I had sincerely wondered how 18+ year olds could enjoy a book written about magic and that too when all the characters were teenagers. After all, it was long time back that I had given up reading Nancy Drew or Hardy Boys, so why in heaven would I have wanted to ready the Harry Potter????

Grudgingly I had accepted the first book, “The Philosopher’s Stone” and after reading just a few pages I had hated to admit that my colleague had been right…I had just joined the unofficial fan club of Harry Potter :)…and like zillions of fans all over the globe…I have become obsessed.

The best thing I like about Harry Potter, is the element of Fantasy. I actually could visualize the Privet Drive, Hogwarts Express, the Hogwarts castle, the Hogwarts classrooms, the towers, the wands, the broom sticks….and all the characters. It’s as if they are for real. In the first book, I felt so sorry for poor lil Harry who was ill-treated by his uncle & aunt. Then I was almost as excited as Harry as he finds out that he is a wizard and not a muggle (non-magical) like his horrible relatives. I could feel the anxiety and happiness of Harry as he first learns about Platform No 9 ¾ , and boards the Hogwarts Express in the hope of a new beginning.
The characters are too good to be not real. Harry//the Hero’s character itself is so normal. He’s shown as a great wizard, but just like any other teenager he too goes through ups and downs in his life. Ron would definitely win the best Supporting Actor award. His never-ending support to Harry and Hermione, his grumpiness of always being Harry’s side kick, his objections over his mommy’s fuss, his annoyance of having to live with 2 twin brats, 1 rule-fanatic prefect as brothers & worrying about his lil sister always dating the wrong guys..all make him so endearing. Hermione with her enthusiasm in studies, her loyalty, her temper, and her transformation from a studious geek to a hot chick is very charming. Especially with Emma Watson playing her role in the movie, am sure she’s a favorite with most guys J. I am pretty sure everyone of us, in school, had an annoyingly rude and spoilt brat like Draco Malfoy as a class mate; a handsome and smart guy like Cedric (who all girls had a crush on); a sweet but strict teacher like Mrs McGonagle; a mean and scary professor like Snape; pretty and silly girls like Parvati Patil, Lavender Brown or Pansy Parkinson giggling at the silliest of jokes and I don’t know of all, but I was lucky enough to have an adorable Principal like Dumbledore. But my all time favorites are the twins, Fred and George Weasley. Their wise-cracks, their mischief, their brazenness…they are really sooo cute. In fact it is hard not to like any of them. Even the half-Giant Hagrid, the obese bull Dudley, the mean care-taker Filch, Moaning Myrtle (the ghost in the lady’s rest room),Peeves the Poltergeist or the ghost Nearly-Headless Nick..all of them seem so real.

I wonder how J K Rowling must have thought of all the spells…spells like Accio, Babbling Curse, Cushioning Charm or the unforgivable spells like Crucio, Avada Kedavra or Imperio. The Quidditch game could not have been more imaginative & the match wasn’t any less an excitement than a real one. The suspense isn’t exactly awesome, but it keeps you totally grounded. Through her 6 books (The Philosopher’s Stone, The Chamber of Secrets, the Prisoner of Azkaban, the Goblet of Fire, the Order of Phoenix & the Half-Blood Prince) she guides us through Harry’s life, right as an oppressed orphan to a brave 17 year old..ready to face…You know who…I mean….Lord Voldemort…ready to avenge his parents death…ready to kill him. The series speaks of love, friendship, jealousy, pride, magic, dark arts & the victory of Good over Evil. But will Harry really win in the end?? The 7th & the last book is due release sometime in 2006…and I can hardly wait. The rumor says that Rowling plans to kill Harry in the final series. But I am sincerely hoping it is not true. It was bad enough to have Cedric, Syrius Black & worst of all Albus Dumbledore to have been killed…but Harry’s death would be a real blow L.

So as we all crazy fans wait for the last book in the series, all those muggles who have read this, but have no clue of what I am speaking of…grab a copy and join the club :).