Wednesday, July 12, 2006

When Mumbai rocks!!!!

It was 7 PM & I was traveling, on my way home when my cell phone rang. I picked it to see that it was my Dad who was calling. I answered it & my dad said, “Hey..I am safe” and I said, “Safe? Safe from what?” “Haven’t you heard? It’s all over the news”. I began to get really uncomfortable with the conversation and then he told me what the news was. “Mumbai has been struck again. Series of bomb explosions in local trains. Just tell everyone that I am safe and at home”. I was shocked, but then heaved a sigh of relief, realizing that atleast my father was ok.

But as I kept looking outside the bus’ window, only one thought came to my mind..”Again?? How much more can Mumbai take?” It was just last year that Mumbaikars had to face the trauma of the floods; a lot of property was damaged, some lost their lives too. Then this year too the monsoon does not look very amicable; with some low-lying areas already facing water-logging. This flood threat was followed by riots over the desecration of Late. Meenatai Thakaray’s statue; shops were stoned & hence had to be closed, buses were burnt, schools & colleges were dismissed. And then when finally when Mumbai seemed to be grappling back to normalcy..BANGGGGGGGGG!!! 7 serial blasts shook the entire Mumbai & along with it shook the rest of India & other countries which were also fighting against terror. Over 200 people lost their lives (the final death toll is still being figured out) and more than 500s injured. Not to forget the severe emotional trauma that the relatives & friends of those missing or dead had to go through.

The positive side to it was that strangers rushed in voluntarily to help the victims & the police in the search of those injured/dead. People gave food/water to complete strangers. Some even offered their homes for those stranded. Victims were rushed to hospitals in the vehicles of strangers. Local minority communities too came forward to help those affected. It is unfortunate that due to the miseeds of these terrorists, we tend to distrust these communities in general. But such acts of kindness makes us re-think.

Inspite of everything that has been happening…Today …Mumbai awoke to the usual morning. Trains & buses resumed their services and Mumbaikars went on with their routine, as if something so terrible never really occurred. I guess this is what keeps Mumbai & the Mumbaikars going…their Spirit. “Life moves on” holds so true for amchi Mumbai.


Blogger Parag said...

hey nice blogs.. keep wrtiting.. :)
Write some thing abt ur experenices in china.. !


4:49 PM  

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