Friday, June 16, 2006

What do I write???

I have this friend, who when a pen is given to him, just cannot stop writing. He writes & writes & writes, on any topic under the sun…and I am amazed to how well he writes. He just has to decide what he wants to write about & bingooo….the pen literally starts writing on its own.
It just makes me wonder…what do I write about ? A lot of people comment that I write well…but they have no clue how long it takes me to decide what to write on. Does that mean I am not good writer? Or do I just happen to fall in the category of writers who cannot write when told to write?? Whatever the answer be, I am just glad I did not become a journalist..would have been fired on the 1st day itself :).
So then back to the same question…what do I write on?? One may say that you just follow your mood & write about your feelings. But then..being a Gemini..who has like 100 different moods..all at the same time…how do I know what my real mood is??? And if I put down all my moods on paper, I may just be labeled as a schizophrenic…which I am not :) :(.
So do I write about the current affairs? But don’t you have to be really smart & well-read to do that? Do I write about my family or friends? But then why would others be interested in that? Do I write about my love life? Naahhh…that would be too personal. So do I write about animals, nature, solar-system, science in general? Hey..what’s the National Geography & Discovery Channel for, in that case?
Maybe I could write about ME. I could bluff about how wonderful, lovely, kind, honest, sweet girl I am. But I don’t want people to take me for granted then. So then I could boast about how smart, intelligent, independent, no-nonsense girl I was. But then I don’t want others to find me intimidating. Aaahhh….this is getting me no-where.
Maybe you really don’t have to think so hard when you write. Maybe you just go on and on, without caring what the topic is or what others would think of it as. Maybe writing does not have to be about one particular mood, one particular subject. Maybe it’s not just for those who are talented, have a great vocabulary. Maybe you could put your heart, your brains, your soul into what you write or maybe you could just write an irrelevant, stupid, aimless write-up.
Hey you just read what I wrote, when I made zero sense, when I haven’t used any jargons, when all I have put down is my indecisiveness. And it is not important whether you liked/disliked it..what’s important is that I enjoyed writing it :).
Maybe that’s what you write about. You write what makes you feel happy, satisfied. You write about matters close to the heart-distant to the heard. You write about the good or the bad. You write in any well-known language or even in code. You just write , if it makes any difference to you in the end. Maybe this is the answer.


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