Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I am a feminist…yes I think I am one! If someone argues that Women cannot do a certain something or that Women should do a certain something…then the feminist in me starts the Tandav Nritya.
But in my quench to prove that Women are the Best….I am guilty of having taken the Chromosome XY for granted.

For generations, Women have been oppressed, shunned as inferiors, treated as door mats….but for generations, there have also been a FEW GOOD MEN…who have loved from the depths of their hearts…who have worked hard for their families…who have stood against injustice….who have treated everyone with respect and equality. 

But where are they? Who are they?? Why do we yell out at the top of our lungs about Injustice against Women and yet feel shy or find it unnecessary to appreciate and applaud the FEW GOOD MEN around us.

Is there a Men’s Day that we celebrate? If there is one, I don’t remember ever wishing anyone so. (Ok now I remember a hilarious joke from FRIENDS “EVERY DAY IS A LESBIAN LOVERS’ DAY”). But c’mon…jokes apart…today I want to thank all the FEW GOOD MEN around me for enriching our lives with happiness and joy. 

  • My dad – for living away from us for 10 years so that his family could enjoy the luxuries of life and traveling home every weekend to soak up on the love he missed greatly during the weekdays.
  • My hubby – apart from being an amazing soul-mate, for being a rock-star father, a kick-a$$ MasterChef, a successful professional and a true believer in women equality.
  • My DadInLaw – for baby-sitting his children during the day and then working night-shifts when they were young, so that his working-wife could have a stress-free career….For selling his scooter to buy a moped for his wife and traveling on bicycle instead.
  • My Cousin Brothers – for making like seem so safe and joyful.
  • My BrotherInLaws – for being more a friend and less an InLaw to me.
  • My Best Guy Friends –for just being there for me whenever I needed them.

There are these FEW GOOD MEN and then there are many many more. Yes, we still have to deal with the rapists, the lechers, the pedophiles, the wife-beaters, the goons, and more such garbage category of Men. But amidst all these dark times, please do not forget to appreciate the FEW GOOD MEN who make life so much more liveable.